Originariamente inviata da bimba_disperata
ciao qlcn potrebbe aiutarmi sn disperata....dovrei scrivere ke racconto a mia mamma un sogno fatto la notte precedente....
Se ho ben capito, devi svolgere un compito in cui racconti a tua madre un tuo sogno....?

Vediamo se questo può esserti utile!!
Dear mummy,
last night I have dreamt that my sister was Princess Annie ...
She climbed the castle wall three minutes before the sun rose to get a better view.
Though invariably the guard from the West tower found his way over there just as she was trying to find the most comfortable stone to sit on. She normally would not have listened to him when he told her that she had to get off, but each time at just that moment his armor began to glow with such a brilliancy that she could only bow her head and climb back down.
And thus it was that after fourteen years Princess Annie had not once been able to watch the sun rise on her Father's kingdom. Which is a good thing, as she would probably have been so excited in seeing it that she would have forgotten where she was and lost her balance. In which case her chances would have been at least fifty in one hundred that she fall out of the castle, which would have meant that she would not be found again until well after noon when the postman arrived.
Thus Princess Alnnie managed to live from day to day due solely to the meticulousness of a young guard from the West tower who had fortunately been trained to shine his armor at least seven minutes before the break of day.
And thus it was also that this same young guard of the West tower one morning noticed an unusual darkness against the rising sun, and happened to mention it to the royal page over a game of chess, thus saving the lives of King Danny and his caste, though at the time he never would have even imagined that it was a small flock of dragons...
It's a nice dram!!