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  #1 (permalink)  
Vecchio 01-29-2009, 05:46 PM
Junior Member
Registrato dal: Jan 2009
Messaggi: 1
predefinito Utilizzo corretto del present perfect e del simple past

Utilizzo corretto del present perfect e del simple past

Salve, potreste dirmi che tempi vanno nelle seguenti frasi e come alla fine risulteranno? (present perfect o simple past)
How many times/ Allan/visit/LOndon/this month?
he/visit/it/ three times

What/your best friend/ want/tell/you/ on the phone yesteday?
she/want/tell/me/about her birthday party

You/already/invite/mark and his wife/to dinner?
yes/I/do/that/an hour ago/before/wash/car

when/you/buy that cool shirt?
I/buy/it/ last saturday

grazie mille
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  #2 (permalink)  
Vecchio 03-13-2009, 12:03 AM
Registrato dal: Mar 2009
Messaggi: 95

Originariamente inviata da pasky92 Visualizza il messaggio
slave potreste dirmi che tempi vanno nelle segiuenti frasi e come alla fine risulterranno?(present perfect o simple past)
How many times/ Allan/visit/LOndon/this month?
he/visit/it/ three times

What/your best friend/ want/tell/you/ on the phone yesteday?
she/want/tell/me/about her birthday party

You/already/invite/mark and his wife/to dinner?
yes/I/do/that/an hour ago/before/wash/car

when/you/buy that cool shirt?
I/buy/it/ last saturday
Il present perfect si usa quando il periodo di tempo di cui si parla non è ancora finito, quando una azione stessa non è terminata, quando il tempo non è specificato.
Il simple past si usa quando il periodo di tempo è finito, quando una azione è finita, quando il tempo è ben specificato.
pertanto, le frasi saranno così:

How many times/ Allan/have visited/London/this month?
he/visited/it/ three times

What/your best friend/ wanted/tell/you/ on the phone yesteday?
she/has wanted/tell/me/about her birthday party

You/already/have invited/mark and his wife/to dinner?
yes/I/does/that/an hour ago/before/wash/car

when/you/have buy that cool shirt?
I/buied/it/ last saturday

In bocca al lupo!

Dott.ssa Raffaella Russo
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  #3 (permalink)  
Vecchio 03-21-2009, 11:41 AM
Junior Member
Registrato dal: Mar 2009
Messaggi: 1

I am afraid Dott.ssa Russo got all sentences wrong.

The sentences should be done as follows:

How many times has Allan visited London this month?
He has visited it 3 times.

What did your best friend want to tell you on the phone yesterday?
He wanted to tell me about her b'day party.

Have you already invited mark and his wife to dinner?
Yes I did that an hour ago.

When did you buy that cool shirt?
I bought it last saturday.

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